Carol J. Batker, Reforming Fictions

7 €

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76726 Rheinland-Pfalz - Germersheim
  • Art Sachbücher
  • Zustand Gut


Reforming Fictions: Native, African, and Jewish American Women's Literature and Journalism in the Progressive Era (2000)

As Native, African, and Jewish American women gained access to education, developed women's clubs, and joined political organizations, they wrote to reform the nation, engaging themselves politically and creating a cross-cultural dialogue between journalism and fiction. Early in this century, writers such as Zitkala-Sa, Mourning Dove, Alice Dunbar-Nelson, and Anzia Yezierska developed their writing careers through affiliations with reform organizations.

Englisches Original; gelesen mit normalen Gebrauchsspuren am Einband, ansonsten einwandfrei ohne Bemerkungen, Markierungen etc.

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