English Native Speakers (m/w/d) Kita Marie Curie

73430 Baden-Württemberg - Aalen
  • Art Weitere Berufe


Die Stadtverwaltung Aalen bietet als modernes Dienstleistungsunternehmen umfassenden Service für die Bürgerinnen und Bürger. Hohe Servicequalität, Effektivität und Wirtschaftlichkeit stehen im Mittelpunkt unseres Handelns. Diese Aufgabenstellung meistern wir mit unseren engagierten und fachlich gut ausgebildeten rund 1.300 Mitarbeitenden.


“The secret to getting ahead is getting started.“ - Mark Twain

(„Das Geheimnis des Weiterkommens liegt darin, anzufangen“ – Mark Twain)

Are you interested in getting involved in setting up and developing a new childcare centre right from the start?

The new 5-group municipal childcare center Marie Curie is currently being built on the Waldcampus.

For this new facility, the city of Aalen, as a growing and innovative organisation, is looking for

English Native Speakers

with the qualification as a pedagogical specialist (m/f/d)

in accordance with § 7 KiTaG

full-/ part-time (KZ 5024/11)

in permanent employment.

We offer:

- a workplace in a new, modern and very well-equipped childcare centre,
- a pay scale up to pay group S 8a TVöD (SuE) with appropriate qualifications,
- guidance and support from the municipal organisation and the quality manager for municipal childcare centres,
- cross-divisional offers such as a company outing, Christmas party, company sports group and financial support for team activities,
- working for an innovative organisation where you have the opportunity to develop professionally and expand your scope of employment and your area of responsibility.

On the basis of the city's climate protection policy, the city of Aalen pays for the Deutschland-Ticket and subsidises the purchase of a job bike.

We are committed to equal opportunities. If equally qualified, severely disabled persons will be given preferential consideration in the selection process. For questions and information, please contact Mrs Uhl, Office for Social Affairs, Youth and Family, Tel. (07361) 52 1859.

Curious to find out more?

Then we look forward to receiving your detailed application by April 28, 2024 via the applicant portal on our homepage www.mein-check-in.de/aalen.

Further information on the work in the municipal childcare centres and the advertised positions can be found under the following link on the homepage of the city of Aalen:


We look forward to hearing from you!

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