Hövding 3 – Inflatable Bike Helmet (Almost new, worn 7x)

199 €

+ Versand ab 6,75 €
10961 Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg - Kreuzberg
  • Art Weitere Fahrräder & Zubehör
  • Typ Andere Fahrräder
  • Zustand Sehr Gut


Stay safe and stylish with the Hövding 3, the innovative inflatable bike helmet. This safety device provides protection by inflating in case of an accident, offering superior shock absorption compared to traditional helmets.

I have used it 7 times (see app screenshot). Although it’s very comfortable compared to a traditional bike helmet, it didn’t become a habit for me to wear it every day, so it’s laying around hoping for a different owner:)

Purchase date: 11-11-2023 (see receipt picture)
Purchaser price: 296 €

You can try it on here to see if it fits and works! As it's a private resale, can't offer retour.

German manual:

Hövding bankrupted end 2023 and discontinued keeping their mobile app in the air. The helmet still functions perfectly, but the app that’s connected to it (it shows how many km’s you’ve used it, for the rest it’s pretty useless) doesn’t work. You can read more about it here:

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