Keith Bell:Stanley Spencer, A Complete Catalogue of the Paintings

69 €

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72762 Baden-Württemberg - Reutlingen
  • Art Kunst & Kultur


Keith Bell: Stanley Spencer / A Complete Catalogue of the Paintings.
London: Phaidon Press, 1992 (First edition)
ISBN 0-7148-2735-5
Excellent as-new condition !

Stanley Spencer (1891 - 1959) is one of the outstanding painters of the twentieth century. Highly controversial and single-minded in the pursuit of his personal vision, he often suffered neglect and hostility, and he has tended to be seen as an eccentric visionary. However, his contribution to British art and his true stature as an artist are now internationally recognized. Keith Bell's comprehensive catalogue raisonné of Spencer's work was recognized as a major contribution to Spencer studies when it was published in 1992, and it remains the essential reference work, as it includes a detailed catalogue raisonné.

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