Michele Moylan, Lane Stiles, Reading Books

8 €

+ Versand ab 4,50 €
76726 Rheinland-Pfalz - Germersheim
  • Art Sachbücher
  • Zustand Gut


Reading Books: Essays on the Material Text and Literature in America (1996)
This collection takes as its point of departure the proposition that one can, in fact, tell a book by its cover. The contributors examine the ways in which the material qualities of books--including typography, paper, bindings, layout , and promotional copy--as well as their editing, production, and distribution profoundly affect how they have been read and understood.

The volume includes essays on the publishing history of Melville's early novels, Twain's The Innocents Abroad, the Tauchnitz edition of Hawthornes's The Marble Faun, and Jackson's Romona.

Englisches Original; gelesen, daher übliche Gebrauchsspuren am Einband, ansonsten einwandfrei, keine Markierungen, Randbemerkungen etc.

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