Seltene grafische Arbeit von Esprit 1984-1986 Katalog Mode Japan/


+ Versand ab 4,50 €
45147 Essen-West - Holsterhausen
  • Art Kunst & Kultur
  • Zustand Sehr Gut


Seltene grafische Arbeit von Esprit 1984-1986 Katalog Mode Japan/UK Ausgabe 1987 A gorgeous oversized softcover book filled with hundreds of color images of Esprit ads, graphic design, point of sale assets, catalogs, packaging, tags and other design memorabilia from the years 1984-1986. This book is a celebration of Esprit's corporate branding through clothes, advertising, store design and graphics. A must for design and architecture aficionados. Book design by Esprit art director Tamotsu Yagi and photography by Roberto Carra. This is by far the rarest of the 3 art books Esprit produced, which include this title, “Making of an Image”l and “Comprehensive D

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