Welcome to Stuttgart! I will support and help you. (#WelcomIndia)

70567 Stuttgart - Möhringen


Primarily for guys from India. Welcome to Germany!
You are visiting Germany and Stuttgart first time, you are looking for some help, or want to stay here for work or live!?

Maybe I can help you:

- learn basic German language
- learns German habits
- getting touched with local culture
- with bureaucracy (registration, paperwork)
- how to get a rental flat, buy a car and register
- how to apply for a job
- where to go shopping, where get daily things
- oppprtunities for travelling, portals and access

I have experience with indian guys and the culture, from my past work.
I speak fluent English and can also translate to/from German.
I am male, 43yrs. and live in Stuttgart.

So feel free to caontact me if you have question or suggestions.
In cost question, we'll get an agreement.

Regards Walde

p.s. I am private person

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